Nova Mundo


Speculative and critical design are grounded in the world that we live in – they are concerned with understanding the relationships that exist between people, technology, and the things in our lives.

As technology is entering our lives at an astonishing rate – it becomes necessary to theorize about how technology is co-creating our experience, and to deeply think through the complex and multifaceted ways that we are living our lives. Speculative and critical design offers us a chance to not only have a voice, but to also participate in the act of creation, and to potentially innovate new cultural experiences.


World Building
Speculative Design


University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo

The problem

We were tasked as a team of four to create a speculative design or a critical design proposal that was either a utopia or a dystopia.

Considerations for our problem task:

  • We will make some sort of physical prototype or objects to enhance the effect of our final prototype

  • We aspire to create a cohesive and deeply fleshed out world that prompts visitors to think.

  • We want to create our own being, bridging technical qualities with humanoids.

  • We will make a compelling story and share it in a clearly understandable, and engaging video. In ideating, we will keep open minds and adopt a “yes, and” approach, to constructively criticize ideas and build up the best outcome.
  • My Role

    For this project, I was the Production and Technical Lead which included responsibilities such as Production Planning, Photography, Videography/Sound Mixing, VFX, Script Writing and In Room Technology (Dream Sequence Simulator).




    We wanted our idea to be nuanced and highly creative as well as to find a unique way to merge science fact with science fiction.

    We also wanted to ensure that team members could take advantage of their skills and also encournaged each other to try new technologies, strategies and techniques in producing our deliverables.

    Topics we felt strongly about from our ideation session..


    We continued to expand on our ideas in order to work toward a more fleshed out story for the world features that we were interested in.



    Historical references to past epidemics and evidence of the possibilities in ongoing transhumanist technology research, creates a possible future that is linked with today’s world.

  • Epidemics: Influenza, Viral hemorrhagic fevers, Antibiotic Resistance, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Zika Fever, Malaria.
  • Dream: Machine induced lucid dreaming and dream capture.
  • Climate and Disasters: Earthquakes, Global Warming, Particle Accelerators.
  • Evolution: Genetic Engineering, Bio Engineering, Nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence.

  • We finalised our research around the areas that we felt strongly about and also identified inspirations for our transhumanist technology.


    Film Concept

    Our concept was designed to share as much of our world as possible with the viewer by presenting an engaging and unique world through the storyline. As the film progresses, dystopic elements such as addiction, naivety, surveillance, less autonomy over body and mind, are revealed to the viewer prompting a criticial reassessment of what appears to be a utopic society.

    The motto “Live your best now” is seen throughout the film with ubiquitous holographic technology showcasing the society’s recovery and progress but things aren’t as good as they seem as some residents view this transformation as a “forced” lifestyle. Those who avoided updates become ill for some unknown reason. Additionally, citizens still hurt from the trauma of the past which is transgenerational and has affected their natural ability to generate and recall dreams which is now aided by technology. Some question whether their emotions or thoughts are theirs; even beginning to wonder “Are we even human anymore?”

    Development & Pre-Production

    Prior to filming, locations were scouted, storyboards drawn, and the film’s script was written. Technicalities such as special effects, modeling and animations were tested using a combination of 3D tools such as Nuke, Cinema 4D and After effects.


    Post Production

    Filmed scenes were edited and composited to bring to life our compelling fictional story. Special attention was given to details that would play a major part in the storyline such as the Holotech seen throughout the environment and the bionic eye of the main protagonist.

    Furthermore, utilizing sound mixing techniques through Adobe Audition, played an important role in our visual story telling as the various sound elements added realism to each scene.


    Room Tech & Design

    Our final deliverable involved us designing our room layout and additional tech that would be used to create artifacts from our world. We wanted our room to be as interactive as possible for the viewing audience.

    The room consists of posters with information from various points in world's timeline. Below each poster, were capacitive touch buttons connected to a Bare Conductive Board that would play audio recordings for each poster when touched.

    Additionally, we wanted to simulate the dream like experience that is induced by our technology by triggering pre rendered animations and spatial audio as a person in the room approached a hidden proximity sensor. a hidden proximity sensor. This installation was initially planned to utilize an Arduino relaying the proximity data to openFrameworks but was later changed to use Max MSP with the Arduino and a Webcam instead.


    The solution - Our World

    World Summary

    2035 was the year. It was the point of no return for ice caps. Water levels rose in coastal cities and softened the ground which was very susceptible to damage in a major quake.

    In the years approaching 2036, humankind continued to explore applications of genetic engineering and how it could improve health and reproduction. Successes included developing treatments for a number of neurodegenerative disorders, and types of cancer, through Stem-cell-based regenerative medicine and increasing effectiveness of IVF.

    The Mega Quake of 2036 brought severe destruction to many areas across the world but especially devastated North America. Communities that survived fled to central locations, and higher ground to cope with the damage from shifting earth and dramatic waves from the tsunamis and aftershocks.

    Surviving governing leaders reached out to scientists, medical, infrastructural, and technological experts forming a governing entity that took charge during the time of crisis and guided the population through the rebuild.

    Our world in 2112, is the result of years of human cooperation to rebuild from the Mega Quake. Technology and humanity came together to cope with disease, trauma, and stress in the aftermath of the Mega Quake. This prompted intense technological developments focused around strengthening the human race through transhumanist methods and enhancing the human experience such as communication and dreams.


    Live in the now, no more stress. Tap into the benefits of a stress-free human consciousness. Dreams, out of body experiences, telepathy… we have obtained peace and enlightenment.

    This world as a whole appears to be a beacon of hope and resilience for other societies facing tragedy, and trauma. However, there are some residents who reject the intrusive transhuman customs and lifestyle that have been adopted and supported by the government and the masses.

    Video - Nova Mundo

    Live your best now
